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Federal Government Technology Orders are accompanied by counterfeit electronics causing change in the Counter Terror & Public Safety Technology Market

brand traceability
July 01, 2019

A report was released by Transparency Market Research on the predicted changes to the Counter Terror and Public Safety Technology Market due to counterfeit electronics making their way into Federal Government Technology Orders. Counterfeit electronics are getting more advanced every day and we are no strangers to the fact that they have already made it into the United States Military. The most recent case involving a man who was sentenced to prison for selling counterfeit electronics that ended up in the U.S. Military supply chain. Counter Terror and Public Safety Technology is a crucial technology to have in order to help protect a nations people and economy from harmful threats. Some common forms of this technology include cyber security, biometrics, and IED technologies. Counterfeit electronics have the potential to be extremely dangerous and harmful and if they are accidentally used in military equipment it can become a serious life-threatening matter.

From explosive devices to nuclear weapons, these counterfeits are making their way into these Federal Government Technology Orders. The threat of counterfeit technology is a matter that needs to be tackled harder to prevent any severe incidents. These fake technology pieces are compromising global supply chains that hold data on information technology that is used by the Federal Government. For more information on the issue, the Transparency Market Research report that was posted to their website gives great detail on the expectancies for the Global Counter Terror and Public Safety Technology market between the years 2017 and 2022. 

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