Types of Tags

A ‘tag’ is any physical label attached, printed or fixed to an item that allows it to be identified or tracked. Examples of physical labels include visible labels, such as barcodes, QR codes, and Direct Part Marking (DPM) as well as electronic labels such as active and passive RFID. These labels are added to the part and are considered ‘extrinsic’. They come in a variety of forms, including stickers and markings printed directly on an item. Physical labels are difficult to apply to an item if the item is too small or applying the label could change the performance of the item and therefore require requalification. For legacy items, requiring or changing a physical label may not be possible because of significant impact to overall product cost.

How is vTag® Different?
A vTag® is a ‘virtual tag’. It functions like a traditional tag but without any modifications to the item or its package. Like a human fingerprint or iris scan, a vTag® uses intrinsic surface features of an item to uniquely identify it from all other items of its kind. The intrinsic features of an item are micrometer-scale roughness, formed randomly during the fabrication of the item. They are well known in the scientific literature1 to be completely unique and impossible to replicate. Due to this intrinsic feature the vTag® based solutions are unique, unforgeable and covert that enables true item-level traceability and authentication with no added manufacturing or packaging cost/change.
1J. Buchanan, R. P. Cowburn, et al, “Fingerprinting documents and packaging,“ Nature, Vol 436, PP. 475, 2005.
How Robust is a vTag®, and How is it Affected Over Time or By Environmental Effects?
A vTag® is intrinsic to the surface of an item and will always work as long as the surface is not modified. The algorithms that generate a vTag® are extremely robust and have been proven to not be affected by environmental factors to which the item is qualified, such as MIL-STD-883E and JEDEC Standard for Mark permanency. vTags® work in routine indoor operational environments and are impervious to dust and fingerprints. However, we recommend that an item with a vTag® be kept clean and dry with non-abrasive cleaners. Please contact us with your specific work environment so that we can provide you with more details.
How Does a vTag® Work?
With a vTag®, a digital image of an item is acquired. Our proprietary algorithms process the image into a unique digital signature known as vTag® that incorporates the intrinsic surface features of the item. These surface features are a micrometer in size.
What Kind of Items and Material Will a vTag® Work?
A vTag® will work with any rigid item of any size or shape made from any material as long as its surface is not modified between enrollment and authentication. Examples include items made from metal, plastic, rubber, ceramic, paper and wood that are fabricated through any existing processes (including additive manufacturing) and have a durable finish (including paints).
Please contact us for your specific part and use scenario.